Friday, 14 January 2022

Caring For Your Containers #3

 Reusing Old Pots

If you're going to undertake some container gardening, it's critical to keep them clean after you've used them to grow plants in the past. This is especially true for any pots or containers that have been left stacked in the garden. If you've ever used seed trays, the same rules apply. Even if you keep your pots and seed trays covered outside (or in a shed), they can become a breeding ground for pests and plant diseases, bug larvae, snails, slugs, and other unwanted critters. Scrub your pots well with warm water and detergent or soap to eradicate any potential concerns.

You can see an example of one of my pots with a dead plant and some dried out compost in the shot directly below. The pot has been in use for several months and has served its purpose; it will now need to be carefully cleaned. While the plant was still alive, I noticed gnats and other insects circling around it, which had most likely laid eggs in the compost. This is why, before reusing the pots and containers, they must be completely cleaned.

In the second photo, you can see an example of one of the small pots I had previously used, but it has been well cleaned and is now ready for use.

Protecting Wooden Containers

Avoid exposing wooden containers to moist soil or compost to prevent them from decomposing over time. Apply a wood preservative to the interior and exterior of the container before using it, allowing it to seep and dry into the wood. This will need to be done at least once a year, preferably in the winter after you've finished with it during the growing season. When selecting a wood preservative, keep in mind that it should not be poisonous to your plants.

Linseed oil is a good alternative because it's fully natural and performs a good job of preserving your wood while causing no harm to your plants. Drill a few drainage holes in the bottom of your wooden container if it doesn't already have any to let any surplus rainfall out.

Don't forget to check out my Youtube videos on gardening! My Youtube Channel

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